Sustainability is a strategy that supports economic development and effective ways to safeguard our environment and natural resources in the long run. Due to the continued push for a circular polymer economy by consumers, business executives, and governments, polymer sustainability is crucial globally. Designing Macromolecules for a Sustainable Future, the theme of our research conference, focuses on novel characterization methods, characteristics, and applications that support the circular polymer economy. Eminent polymer researchers from across the world who are at the forefront of their fields will be brought together to share and discuss the most recent advancements in the circular polymer economy.
The research conference will be held on November 4-8, 2023, in the auditorium between buildings 4 and 5 on the KAUST Campus. The conference program will offer the opportunity to students, postdocs, and research scientists from Universities and Industry to present their research work in a poster Session.
On behalf of the KAUST Catalysis Center (KCC), the Chemistry Program, SABIC, and the Conference Organizing Committee, they welcome all participants and hope for a productive and enjoyable stay at KAUST and in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Click here to get further information.