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The Circular Carbon Economy – From Concept to Realization

The circular carbon economy (CCE) builds on the principles of the circular economy and applies them to managing carbon emissions. Resulting from the CCE Think Tank Webinar, this Think Tank Report provides a record of discussion and a lasting document to support knowledge sharing and dissemination among the MI and the broader clean energy community on this topic.

Source : Natural Resources Canada, KAPSARC

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This report explores the nature of interlinkages between the SDGs. It is based on the premise that a science-informed analysis of interactions across SDG domains – which is currently lacking – can support more coherent and effective decision-making, and better facilitate follow-up and monitoring of progress. Understanding possible trade-offs as well as synergistic relations between the different SDGs is crucial for achieving long-lasting sustainable development outcomes.

Source : International Council for Science

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Emissions Gap Report 2023

As greenhouse gas emissions hit new highs, temperature records tumble and climate impacts intensify, the Emissions Gap Report 2023: Broken Record – Temperatures hit new highs, yet world fails to cut emissions (again) finds that the world is heading for a temperature rise far above the Paris Agreement goals unless countries deliver more than they have promised. The report is the 14th edition in a series that brings together many of the world’s top climate scientists to look at future trends in greenhouse gas emissions and provide potential solutions to the challenge of global warming.

Source : UNEP

KAUST Beacon Development: Leading Environmental Consulting Services in Saudi Arabia

This is the official report and news from KAUST Beacon Development – a department within KAUST Innovation. In this issue, you’ll find stories ranging from how we’re helping the aquaculture sector to breed and farm fish in the Red Sea to how we’re saving turtles from extinction

Source : KAUST Beacon Development

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170 Actions to Combat Climate Change

This booklet is part of the “170 Series” launched by the Perception Change Project of the UN. It gives you 10 suggestions for each of the 17 SDG goals about what you can do on a daily basis to protect the environment and help mitigate climate change effects.

Source : United Nations Geneva

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Smart Cities: Social and Environmental Challenges and Opportunities for Local Authorities

Discusses socioeconomic, environmental, and policy implications of smart cities. Provides rigorous economic analysis and concrete policy frameworks. Brings an international, multidisciplinary approach.

Source : Fateh Belaid and Anvita Arora

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Climate Futures Report - Saudi Arabia in 3-degrees Warmer World

The report highlights the stark reality that Saudi Arabia is witnessing climate change at an accelerated pace compared to other regions and offers a comprehensive analysis of the ramifications of climate change on Saudi Arabia's diverse habitats.

Source : AEON Collective

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Sustainability : A History

Seeming to have come out of nowhere to dominate the discussion-from permaculture to renewable energy to the local food movement-the ideas that underlie and define sustainability can be traced back several centuries. In this illuminating and fascinating primer, Jeremy L. Caradonna does just that, approaching sustainability from a historical perspective and revealing the conditions that gave it shape.

Source : Jeremy L. Caradonna

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Introduction to Sustainability

Through the use of a variety of media, Introduction to Sustainability provides a broad overview of the complexity of sustainability through the lens of systems thinking. After a brief look at the modern history of sustainability, it introduces systems thinking and the process of systems mapping.

Source : Tai Munro

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The Climate Dictionary

The Climate Dictionary is an initiative aimed at providing an everyday guide to understanding climate change. It seeks to bridge the gap between complex scientific jargon and the general public, making climate concepts accessible and relatable to individuals from various backgrounds and levels of expertise.

Source : United Nations Development Programme

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CLIMATE CHANGE 2023 Synthesis Report

This Synthesis Report (SYR) of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) summarises the state of knowledge of climate change, its widespread impacts and risks, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. It integrates the main findings of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) based on contributions from the three Working Groups1, and the three Special Reports2.

Source : Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Core Writing Team, H. Lee and J. Romero (eds.)

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The Sustainability Handbook: The Complete Management Guide to Achieving Social, Economic, and Environmental Responsibility, 2nd

This second edition identifies the newest, most cutting-edge practices in the field to stimulate organizations of all types to take the next step toward sustainability, offering a wide variety of practical approaches and tools, including a model sustainability policy for organizations, summaries and tips on selecting sustainability codes, an extensive collection of sample metrics, and much more.

Source : William R. Blackburn

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Introduction to Sustainability, 2nd Edition

The book is suitable for introductory interdisciplinary courses on sustainability, as well as those in the fields of geography, geology, sociology, planning, political science, and anthropology.

Source : Robert Brinkmann

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A concise and accessible examination of sustainability in a range of contemporary contexts, from economic development to government policy.

Source : Kent E. Portney

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The Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability—Designing for Abundance

In The Upcycle, the best-selling authors offer numerous fascinating scenarios in which humans transcend the role of mere stewards of the planet. Instead, they suggest, why not become co-creators of the simplest invention ever: abundance?

Source : William McDonough, Michael Braungart. Foreword by President Bill Clinton

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The Age of Sustainable Development

Jeffrey D. Sachs presents a compelling and practical framework for how global citizens can use a holistic approach to address the seemingly intractable worldwide problems of persistent extreme poverty, environmental degradation, and political-economic injustice: sustainable development.

Source : Jeffrey D. Sachs. Foreword by Ban Ki-moon

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Sustainability Principles and Practice

The book gives an accessible and comprehensive overview of the interdisciplinary field of sustainability. The focus is on furnishing solutions and equipping students with both conceptual understanding and technical skills.

Source : Margaret Robertson

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The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023: Special Edition

The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023: Special Edition provides a powerful call to action, presenting a candid assessment of the SDGs based on the latest data and estimates.

Source : United Nations

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The race against time for smarter development, Chapter 17: THE ARAB STATES

Most countries have digital agendas to modernize public services and make it easier to do business. There is a desire to foster a science and innovation culture but investment in research remains static in most countries reporting data.

Source : UNESCO

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Education for sustainable development: a roadmap

To unlock concrete action for change, this roadmap identifies specific areas of work and interventions that can be developed and supported by Member States and concerned stakeholders including civil society organizations and development partners at regional and global levels.

Source : UNESCO

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The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022

The SDG Report 2022 provides a global overview of progress on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, using the latest available data and estimates. It tracks the global and regional progress towards the 17 Goals with in-depth analyses of selected indicators for each Goal.

Source : United Nations

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The Handbook of SUSTAINABILITY LITERACY, Skills for a changing world

In order to explore what skills would be more suitable for life in the twenty- first century, the book brings leading sustainability educators together with specialists from a wide range of areas, including engineering, art, permaculture, outdoor education, anthropology, literature, mathematics, business studies, climatology, ecology, and linguistics.

Source : Edited by Arran Stibbe

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SASB Standards for 77 industries and the SASB Standards Application Guidance

SASB Standards identify the subset of environmental, social, and governance issues most relevant to financial performance in each of 77 industries. They are designed to help companies disclose financially-material sustainability information to investors.

Source : International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)

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Inner Development Goals

Inner Development Goals (IDGs) is a non-profit organization for inner development. They research, collect and communicate science-based skills and qualities that help to live purposeful, sustainable, and productive lives.

Source : Inner Development Goals

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Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things (2002)

The book reframes design as a positive, regenerative force. This paradigm shift reveals opportunities to improve quality, increase value and spur innovation. It inspires us to seek improvement in our designs constantly and to share our discoveries with others.

Source : William McDonough, Michael Braungart

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Old Enough To Safe The Planet

An inspiring look at young climate change activists who are changing the world.

Source : Loll Kirby, Illustrator Adelina Lirius

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Universities and Sustainable Development Towards the Global Goals

EUA presents this overview about how universities facilitate social, environmental and economic development.

Source : European University Association

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GRI Standards

How to use the Global Reporting Initiative standards

Source : Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

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STARS Technical Manual, (v.2.2, June 2019)

The definitive guide to STARS credits and reporting requirements.

Source : Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education

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Impact Rankings Methodology 2023 Version 1.2

Methodology guideline to report on the SDGs

Source : Times Higher Education (THE)

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The Little Book of GREEN NUDGES

40 nudges to help sustainable behavior on campus.

Source : UN Environmental Programm